Th8 Base With Bomb Tower Anti 3 Star


  • Another 73% 2 star. Eventually #6 TH 9 (I’m #12:D) 3 starred me with 2 zap quake combos 🙁 I saved walls by not separating the top two compartments, and made the right 3 into 2 compartments. I may post the TH 8 version here (with Bomb Tower) I also suggest that all recent bases be updated with the new balances and Bomb Tower.
  • COC TH8 War Base Anti Dragons With the air-defenses being placed at the middle of the village, it is guaranteed that the dragons may struggle to fire the whole place up! This base design is best for dragon attacks, as the dragons will surely struggle to go through all those buildings, to reach the air-defenses.

If a th8 guys attack you with drag level(3) then they will get maximum 2 star and that will surely help your clan to get lead in stars

I. The Base II. How the Base Works. a. Anti Drag. b. Anti Hog. c. Anti GoWiPe. III. War Logs. a. Mass Drags/Drag Loons. b. Hog Rider Attacks. c. GoWiPe Attack. d. Random Troops Attack. IV. Pros and Cons. V. Conclusion
The base

a. walls only

B. Traps with walls

C. Attackers view

Th8 War Base Anti 3 Star With Bomb Tower

TH8 Base Anti 3 Star Layout Here you will find some of the amazing and most effective examples for designing your best th8 bases. This th8 base layout is heavily covered with defense towers and army buildings. It is divided into different layers that make the clan design more effective and secure. After attacking with dragons myself and failed to get three star quite a lot, I studied those attacks and learn what makes a base resistant to 3-star attacks from dragons. I, then made a base and tested it many times in clan wars, tweaking it and finally, calling it done. The Broken Relic Anti-Dragon Base Layout. Nov 1, 2018 - 3000+ cups Saved. Best COC Town Hall TH8 Defense Bases 2019 with Bomb Tower. Anti everything, 3 stars, 2 stars, bowlers, miners, Valkyrie.

D. Cc radius

How the Base Works. I will be using this image as a guide to better understand on which direction the attack is coming.

A. Anti Drag

Additional features:

– Storage as Meat Shield. – Centralized Barbarian King to confuse drags. – Centralized Air Defense’s. – Air traps on strategic location. – Archer tower near the core. – Air Skeleton traps to confuse the drags. (Skeleton Traps Air works best if you’re Early to Mid TH8 because you will be more likely to be attacked by Mass Drags/Dragloons)
b. Anti Hog
J1455 camera driver. As of now all Hog attacks that I encounter starts at bottom or bottom right. This is because the Clan Castle troops can be lured on that side. Moreover, there is a Builder hut at the bottom sidewhich is a perfect spot to lure and take down the CC troops. Another reason to start the attack on that side is if the attacker commit too much troopto kill the CC Troops. The attacker will try to defend those excess troops and start deploying his hogs. Little they know that is the biggest trap of this base. If you will notice most spring traps isfocused at the bottom right of the base. Once they release their hogs they will follow the path that will eventually lead them through the traps. What if they didn’t take the bait? Well there’s a double giant bomb in the center that can kill somehogs thatMAYlead to a 1 or 2 star victory for the attacker.

Additionalfeatures:. – Centered King – helps killing those hogs while they circle around in the center. – the base have many paths that make other hogs stray away from the group making them less effective. – Ground Skeleton Traps (Mid to late TH8). – 100% DGB trigger chance (there’s a chance that they won’t set off properly)
c. Anti GoWiPe

This base can be easily two starred by a GoWiPe attack if done right.BUT,once the troops are in the center of the base the remaining 3 mortars and archer towers will help to damage the remaining troops while they are busy attacking high HP AD’s, Town Hall and Clan Castle.

Additionalfeatures:. – Centered King – helps killing or to confuse the attackers troops. – 100% Bomb trigger chance. – Many compartments that will help to slow down the advance of the Golem and Pekka
IV.War Logs
a. Mass Drags/Drag Loons

b. Hog Attacks

VI. Conclusion
I guess that’s it. Thank you for giving some of your time to read this thread. Hope this thread willhelp you in anyway. If you have anything you like to clarify or ask please do. If ever you like to try this base please post some war logs on how it goes (whether it’s negative or positive) to help other Clashers to see if this base is worth a try. Cheers.

Th8 Anti 3 Star War base
  • Name : Rorke's Drift
  • Base Created by : Lennett

I am Just Creating Youtube Tutorial For This Base
Full Base View

Scout view

Walls Only

Th8 Base With Bomb Tower Anti 3 Stars

Good DGB pathing (uses hourglass pathing - see Akiyume's guides)
Hard to disable DGB
Well placed spring traps
Hard to lure cc (more troops needed to get cc out) - 13 archers, 1 witch recommended cc)
Good point defense distribution
Wizard tower and mortar next to single giant bomb - will take out hogs if heal not used quickly
Tesla farm and King - out damages heal spell

BaseTempts attacker to zap quake north air def, causing them to fall for the trap (muahahaha)
Storages in front of air defenses causing dragons to get stuck while the air def hammers them
Double air mines and wizard tower by air def - counters balloons by vaporizing them
Tesla farm behind storage wall with SAM's - at this point the attacker should have no spells left, allowing the tesla farm and SAM's to crush them
Corner huts waste attackers time

  • Uneven compartments and 3 tile spaces by archer towers cause the Wizards to be unable to attack archer towers, and mess with troop pathing

  • Looks cool
  • Good trap placement
  • Does well vs main strategies
  • Anti-3 asymmetrical style causes intimidation, fear, and mayhem for troop pathing
  • Open core
  • Often causes a th9 dip to be used

  • CC can be lured if the attacker is skillful enough
  • Variable results at low th8

Hope you guys will love it! And don’t forget to post your defense logs here to help the author improve the base!